We are hired throughout various stages of insurance disputes:

Large Loss Management & Advisory “Day 1”

Immediately following a catasrophe, we advise businesses on “Day 1” from crisis management to mitigation, investigation, coverage issues, and claim preparation through resolution.

Claims Process

We work with the insured to balance the claim process and collaborate with its adjuster and experts to present a complete claim. We advocate the insured’s position and ensure compliance with the strict policy requirments following a loss.


Appraisal is no longer a simple solution to resolve a claim. We assist in compelling appraisal and ensuring the process is fair and the Award is paid.


If a claim has resulted in denials and delay, we are experts in advocating for all available remedies in court to seek justice.

ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Many insurance disputes are bypassing litigation and being resolved through formal dispute resolution proceedings of arbitration and mediation.

Coordination of Benefits Through 1st and 3rd Party Recovery

Certain losses involve liability of multiple parties and we are experts at coordinating the transfer of risk among them.