Hail damage, insurance coverage and business risks

Business or risk managers reviewing storm related insurance coverage often focus on wind and flooding as the key points of exposure.  An often overlooked storm effect is hail, which can result in catastrophic damage to business property, landscaping, equipment and people. “The National Weather Se...
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Water intrusion: identifying the source and mitigating the risks

Each year thousands of property owners and managers file insurance claims for mold infestation, structural and interior damage or rot, and various other damages all of which stem from an initial source of water intrusion.  In a perfect world all building envelopes would be water tight and structura...
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Wildfire risks and insurance coverage

Wildfire risk is dependent mainly on geographical location. Weather patterns, human activities, and availability of combustible fuel all factor into the equation when determining wildfire risk. A close proximity to wilderness areas prone to such events increases the risk of wildfire damage to oneâ...
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