Physical Abuse in Nursing Homes 

Physical Abuse in Nursing Homes 

It may be hard to believe that nursing home employees can physically assault the seniors under their care. However, the sad truth is it is a common occurrence. When you and your family decided to place your loved one in the care of a nursing home you probably did your homework. You went through all the options and did your best to make sure that your elderly loved one was going to be taken care of. 

The sad truth is there are often people who don’t care about working in nursing homes. Those people are a danger to your loved ones. Below is what you can use to learn about if your loved one has been abused in a nursing home or not. 

Physical Abuse Includes Many Forceful Activities 

No matter how you imagine it, physical abuse is assault. In most cases, you may think this is hitting, kicking, or slapping when you think of what physical abuse is. There are other ways that an elderly resident can be physically abused though. Some of the abuse could be things like: 

  • Pushing or shoving the resident 
  • Inappropriate use of restraints 
  • Unnecessary confinement 
  • The use of drugs to alter the residents state of consciousness
  • Neglecting hygienic care 


There is no reason, no matter how combative or difficult to handle a resident is, for a doctor, nurse, assistant, or other staff members to resort to violence, assault, or any type of physical abuse. Seniors living in nursing homes require caregivers to meet their most basic of needs and are among the most vulnerable populations out there. It is your job as a family member to best advocate for them as they may not be able to do it themselves. 

Spotting Signs of Physical Abuse 

Knowing what to look for when it comes to identifying the signs of abuse is vital to ensure your loved one is getting the right care for them. It is especially true if your elderly family member has Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive issues, or is just unable to communicate their needs. 

Here are some common signs of physical abuse to look for: 

  • Unexplained bruising, cuts, welts, or other injures
  • Broken bones
  • Improper distribution of medication 
  • Dislocated joints
  • Unexplained soft tissue injuries
  • Broken glasses, hearing aids, or other necessary devices
  • Markings on writs or ankles of restraints
  • Fear of a particular caregiver
  • A caregiver who refuses to give you access to your family member without their presence


If any of that seems familiar to you then it may be time you consider looking for a lawyer. A nursing home injury lawyer, like the ones at Davis & Brusca, LLC, can help you with your case and help you get the justice you deserve for your loved one.  

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