Personal Injury Lawyer

The tragedy of nursing home abuse and neglect is so widespread as to be classified as objectively shocking. According to the National Association of Nursing Home Attorneys, approximately five million elderly individuals suffer abuse each year. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that—according to the same source—90 percent of nursing homes and long-term care facilities are staffed too low to provide adequate care for residents. Therefore, if you suspect that your loved one may be suffering as a result of abuse or neglect while residing in a nursing home or long-term care facility, chances are—very unfortunately—that you’re right.

If you suspect that your loved one is being abused or neglected, it is important to consult with a local lawyer in a risk-free consultation setting. Taking this meeting won’t obligate you to file legal action or even to work with a lawyer moving forward. As an experienced personal injury lawyer – including those who practice at David & Philpot, P.L. – can confirm, consultations are offered so that anyone interested in learning more about their legal rights and options can do so in a no-pressure, no-obligation setting. Once an attorney has learned why you have the concerns that you do, they’ll be able to provide you with personalized, objective guidance. At that point, you can make whatever informed decision about your loved one’s situation that best meets the needs of their circumstances.

Identifying Abuse and Neglect

It is important to understand that abuse and neglect are not always easy to spot with any kind of certainty. This is one of the many reasons why it is important to connect with an attorney who has experience dealing with nursing home abuse and neglect cases. They will be able to help you determine whether your loved one is in need of protection or not.

Sometimes, potential signs of abuse are evidence of non-abusive circumstances. For example, if your loved one is suddenly experiencing significant, unexplained bruising, they may need to have their red blood cell count and iron levels checked. Conversely, some signs of abuse and neglect are too often dismissed as “simply” signs of aging. For example, if your loved one is becoming withdrawn and forgetful, it may indeed be a sign of cognitive decline. However, it may also be a sign that your loved one is being abused and can’t process management of that situation. Speaking an attorney will help you sort out what is going on with your loved one—for better and/or for worse.  

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