How to Engage Viewers with Your Movie Trailer
Many people would argue that trailers are almost as important as the movies in themselves. This combination of short film clips plays a key role in showcasing the movie without giving too much away, so it leaves people wanting more. Choosing the right movie trailer company is going to be vital to the quality and level of engagement for your movie trailer. To put it simply, if the trailer isn’t good, less people are likely to see it. Here are other tips to help make your movie shine compared to the rest:
Exciting Yet Intriguing Ending
The end of the trailer is one of the most important moments. Before that, the trailer must have a high note, scenes that are memorable, and a quick summary of the storyline that makes people curious. If there is an impactful moment in the movie, it can be used near the end of the trailer. However, you want to be sure not to reveal too much and give away the entire plot. If the ending is exciting yet leaves some questions, it’s more likely to leave an impression that is lasting and motivates the viewer to watch.
Focus on Famous Actors or Actresses
Do you have an actor that is very well known or famous in the movie? If so, you’re going to want to utilize their presence in the trailer. Most people are drawn to the concept of a good movie anyway, but if they know a specific actor or actress that they love is going to be in it, they are more apt to remember and be alert to its release. Even if you don’t have any A-list celebrities in your movie, it’s imperative to identify what actors or actresses you want to have as focal points in the trailer.
Don’t Drag It On
Most previews should be under a minute or so. If you make them too long, then you run the risk of people understanding the concept of the story without any further intrigue about what happens next. No single clip should be dragged on for too long, as you only have a few seconds to grab people’s attention and hook your viewer. If the scenes aren’t clipped and organized together in a strategic way, then the viewer may lose interest altogether and move on to something else.
If you would like assistance in creating a trailer for your film, contact a movie trailer production company, such as Create Advertising Group today.